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Freedom Field - Daykin

Copied from 1976 history book of the American Legion Auxiliary

As a gift to the town of Daykin the local American Legion Post donated an entrance gate for Freedom Field, the town’s ball diamond.

“A fitting climax for the “Spirit of ’76 was the dedication of Freedom Field and “Old Glory” at ceremonies held at Daykin’s new ball park on Sunday evening, June 6, at 7 p.m. “Old Glory,” the five by eight foot flag, was obtained from Congressman Charles Thone by Florence Schweer, Americanism chairman. The American Legion and Auxiliary presented the flag and a 35-foot pole which had been erected in the outfield to the Village of Daykin and the citizens of the community as a bicentennial salute to all those who fought and died for freedom and justice in the past 200 years. After the flag was raised, the honor guard fired one volley as a salute to the flag. The public was invited to attend this patriotic ceremony. Following the program the first Junior Legion baseball game of the season was played at Freedom Field.”


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