This Week At Meridian
Note time changes and additions
Tuesday (21st)
G & B BB @ Twin Rivers (Genoa) JVB 5:00 - VG 6:00 - VB 7:30
Boys Wrestling Dual @ Cross County 5:00 - SCHEDULE OF DUALS: WE WILL RUN AHEAD IF POSSIBLE - (5:00 p.m. CC/O vs. Meridian) - (5:45 p.m. Meridian vs NE Christian) - (6:30 p.m. CC/O vs. NE Christian)
Wednesday (22nd)
1:30 Dismissal (Teacher In-Service)
Thursday (23rd)
G & B BB vs East Butler (Home) - game times JVB 5:00 (2qtrs) - GV 6:00 - BV 7:30
Girls Wrestling @ Thayer Central (Hebron) 3:00 p.m.
Participating Teams: Alma, Centennial, Dorchester, EMF, Fairbury, Loomis, Meridian, Red Cloud, Republic County, Sandy Creek, Southern, Southern Valley, Southwest, Thayer Central, Wilber-Clatonia.
Friday (24th)
Boys Wrestling @ Thayer Central (Hebron) 10:00 a.m. Thayer Central WR Invite... Leave @ 7:00 a.m.
Participating Teams: Burwell, Blue Hill/Red Cloud, Dorchester, EMF, Freeman, Lawrence-Nelson, Loomis, Meridian, Norris, Osborne, Republic County, Sandy Creek, Shelton, Southern, St. Mary's Catholic, Superior, Thayer Central, Tri County, Wilber-Clatonia.
Saturday (25th)
Girls Wrestling @ Centennial (Utica) 9:30 a.m. - leave at 6:30 a.m.
CRC G & B BB Tournament leave at 1:45 - Boys play @ 4:00 at the York Auditorium and Girls play at 5:30 at York University.